Writing Prompt 4

Welcome to the fourth day of our 30/30!

You are doing an amazing job. Seriously.

Your prompt today is:


I’ve never seen such a blue night sky



Image credit www.cliparts.co
Guidelines, if you want them:

  • Posting your response is not required
  • Feel free to post your response   🙂
  • This is not meant to be the perfect first draft – respond without hesitation for 5-7 minutes, then keep going if you want to
  • While our prompts are geared towards poetry, we welcome all kinds of artists
  • Tips & encouragement are here


  1. I’ve Never Seen Such a Blue Night Sky

    I love night sky’s beginning
    blue fading to yellow, resting
    on the roofs of Green Street.
    Even more, when light goes,
    the indigo dome, dark
    saxophone sky of summer,
    brushing the whole downtown,
    a feathered boa—husky and smooth,
    a polished mahogany bar, beaded
    condensation on a glass, pure
    melody, sweet jasmine, blue
    satin pricked by a single star.
    The sycamores shine, the sparrow’s
    last warbled word is a flute.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. monday morning warrior/briefcase,
    pressed pinstripe suit & tie/the promise/
    of a nubile body/next to you./i’m that person/
    & i may not be whole-/just enough to fill you/
    you only see/my nakedness as perfection/
    not the broken bits inside/i so desperately/
    fix with makeshift glue/each time i sink to your/
    cerulean depths./ perhaps i’d rather be alone/
    today, holed up in my world/ calculating my density/
    = mass/volume, gauging the smiles/behind those
    arctic eyes./tomorrow is too far away/ i’m gambling
    it all away/ for the promise/ that something intelligent/
    might actually escape/my filthy mouth./ you don’t want/
    to hear it/ as long as they do your job/ sing your praises./
    this ephemeral firefly/ can’t make it/ too far away/ i think/
    & i’ve never seen/ such a blue night sky/before the rains/
    come crashing/drowning me/sumac,in a shaker jar.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. moon bright

    looking up now, compared to all the others
    this midnight blue was not the bluest,
    and not that lightest blue night i recall.
    under an azure sky, one summer, he
    pulled me closer, my first love, in love
    with me, whose eyes were a mirror to me

    looking up now, compared to all the others
    this midnight blue was not the greenest,
    not that peacock night sky i recall
    under a cyan sky, one fall, my second love
    pulled me closer, pulled a ring of gold from
    a pocket to place, with love on my finger

    looking up now, compared to all the others
    this midnight blue was not the grayest,
    not that steel-blue night i recall
    under a grey-blue sky, when my last love
    whispered in my nearest ear that we
    had no more reasons to move as one

    looking up now, compared to all the others
    this midnight blue is the darkest sky of all,
    not like the cerulean, robin, indigo skies,
    in this midnight blue, the moon is brightest
    and i stand alone, remembering all other nights
    with or with a moon, when i did not know myself

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for these responses! We’re always amazed by what comes out of prompts – so much beauty and feeling and power. We’ve been loving this 30/30, and hope you are too. ❤


  4. Indigo, not exactly blue,
    but then what is blue –
    aqua, baby blue, sky blue,
    so many shades of a color, any color
    representing nature’s diversity?
    Indigo on the edge of blue-black,
    kohl, smudge, violet/charcoal,
    the night sky that offers the perfect backdrop
    for the enormity of stars, planets, comets,
    and don’t forget Sister Moon.
    Indigo the color of perception,
    seeing what is tricky to see,
    uncommon/common insights
    that can only be illuminated with the right background,
    background taken for granted and not the focal point,
    but how essential to vision,
    internal and external.
    I stand in the dark of the indigo sky seeing the light.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: #NationalPoetryMonth’16 Round-up (Day 4 ) | Bonespark~

  6. when the sky shakes itself free from black and sun peers in
    the black absence of color
    gives way to the deepest shade of blue, the dark edge of rainbows
    moon and stars seem whiter
    until then the sun explodes through the slit where sky meets
    and from horizon rises a lighter blue
    that camoflauges moon and stars
    leaving the stage for sun alone
    until night sucks out the blues and oranges
    once again

    Liked by 2 people

  7. The blue in the evening sky is the color
    of your favorite tie, which your grandson now
    wears with pride. Another reminder of another day
    passed without you, and I’m angry all over again.
    But gray clouds could cover the sky, and I would
    feel their gloom. And when it rains, the droplets mix with my tears.
    Even the new spring daffodils are starting to wane,
    a sign that the end of their short life is just days away.
    I find it all so unfair.
    It’s been six months and I still
    can’t believe you’re gone.
    Is there anything that will not ever remind me of you?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Beside the Barn

    Out here, between the yowls of coyotes,
    the sky is deep blue serge, with a child’s
    scrawl of stars poking through. Domed
    precisely like the big downtown cathedral,
    constellations stand out like those nights
    in Oklahoma, once the dust settled and
    everyone’s thoughts went to sleep,
    leaving the space between the pounded
    earth and sky this translucent void where
    blue becomes something other than a
    color and we learn that large has no name.

    Liked by 2 people

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